財寶管理者💴財寶天王心咒多寶財神 The Mantra of God of Wealth

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財寶管理者💴財寶天王心咒多寶財神The Mantra of God of Wealth
⭐一小時版:   • 財寶管理者💴財寶天王心咒多寶財神 🎧1 HOUR The Mantra o...  
嗡 貝夏嘛那耶 梭哈
om bèi xià wa nà yē suō hā



Do you know who the Heavenly King of Wealth is? He is one of the Four Heavenly Kings in Buddhism, also known as the Heavenly King of Dharma, who specialises in protecting the wealth of the world. The King of Wealth and Treasure once swore to the Buddha that if any of his disciples practised well, obeyed the rules and respected the Three Jewels, he would help them to grow in five things:
Longer life、More wealth、Better health、Happier mood、Better reputation

So, if you recite the Mantra of the King of Wealth and are willing to help others, the King of Wealth will help you fulfil your wishes, make many friends, and gain more good luck!

👉 / @‌freesoul-sb7xt

#財寶天王心咒 #財寶天王 #財富自由 #佛 #轉運 #開運


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