🔴LIVE Complete CHEMISTRY classess

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सभी student हमे instagram पर अवश्य fallow करे जिसपर आपको Chemistry से related important information दी जाएगी-

हमारे facebook group Basic Chemistry Help से जुड़ने के लिए लिंक पर क्लिक करे

Join chemistry group for JEE NEET and other competitive exam


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Most Important Information For YOU......
Complete chemistry notes and pdf available for all chemistry students and teachers.Chemistry notes and pdf for class 11 and 12 for board exam, IIT JEE,neet,mht cet,cuet entrance exam,bhu notes, IIT jam,csir net,set exam, chemistry modules, chemistry test series, chemistry previous year question....etc

All chemistry notes and pdf free in my WhatsApp group,if you want to join my group then message me on WhatsApp__

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इस channel में आपको निम्नलिखित chapter और टॉपिक पढ़ाई जाएगी हिंदी और english दोनो माध्यम के विद्यार्थियों के लिए -

#bohratomicmodel #chem_thought_education
#hundsrule #pauli_exclusion_principle #aufbauprinciple #aufbau #electronic_configuration

#p_block_elements #d_block #f_block #transition_elements
#vsepr #alkali_metal #alkaline_earth_metal
#metal #nonmetals #vsepr_theory

#avagadro_number #equivalent_mass

#gas_law #gaseous_state #ideal_gas #real_gas
Imaportance of hydrogen
#coordination_number #coordination_sphere
#free_radical #carbene #nitrene
#anti_aromatic #homoaromatic
Class 11 chemistry
class 10 chemistry
Class 12 chemistry
JEE Mains chemistry
NEET chemistry
up board chemistry
Bihar board chemistry
intermediate chemistry
NCERT chemistry
cbsc board chemistry
icsc board chemistry
Maharashtra board chemistry
jharkhand board chemistry
bseb chemistry
Hind medium chemistry
English medium chemistry
Aipmt chemistry
AIIMS chemistry
AMU chemistry
AP eamcet chemistry (medical)
AP eamcet chemistry (engg.)
Assam cee chemistry
Bcece chemistry
Bitsat chemistry
Chhattisgarh pet chemistry
Comedk chemistry
Gucet chemistry
HP cet chemistry
j and k cet chemistry
Jcece chemistry
Kerela cee chemistry
Karnataka CET chemistry
Mp pet chemistry
Manipal University chemistry
Jipmer chemistry
Mht cet chemistry
Odisha jee chemistry
Uptu chemistry
WB JEE chemistry
Ts eamcet chemistry
Vitee chemistry
chemistry trick❣️


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