Podcast #2. Timmy's Journey (Part 2): From learning to read & write at 32 to bachelors degree at 39.

Описание к видео Podcast #2. Timmy's Journey (Part 2): From learning to read & write at 32 to bachelors degree at 39.

In this episode Timmy talks about the steps he took to recover from. His addiction and how he moved away from crime and into education and employment.

We can be contacted on through our website which also links our social medias. https://thetwonorriespodcast.com/.

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Production done by Unity Media Network.

Below is a list of organisation that can help you or someone you know who may have been affected by any of the issues raised in this podcast.ow who may have been affected by any of the issues raised in this podcast.

For suicide/mental health: https://www.pieta.ie/
Just to talk to someone: https://www.samaritans.org/ireland/sa...
For those with drug addictions: https://www.na-ireland.org/
For those with alcohol problems: https://www.alcoholicsanonymous.ie/
For people who have been to prison :https://www.corkalliancecentre.com/
Your local community drugs worker: http://www.drugs.ie/downloadDocs/Drug...


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