EP43 港九經典流水線10號線 擁有不同特點及紀錄 Citybus and KMB Trunk Route 10 シティバス10系統と九龍バス10系統

Описание к видео EP43 港九經典流水線10號線 擁有不同特點及紀錄 Citybus and KMB Trunk Route 10 シティバス10系統と九龍バス10系統




今集會帶大家深度遊歷兩條10號線,介紹它們的發展、歷史、走線及特點。住在港島的我對城巴10號線的印象深刻。派車從小時候的奧林比安系列來到今天的Enviro500 MMC,而收費更長期維持3.4元。至於九巴10號線則在三年前的一次遊河時初次接觸,第一印象是富豪超級奧林比安10.6米,可說路線的代表車隊。請細心欣賞!


In Hong Kong, where the transportation network is well-developed, trunk bus routes occupy a significant position. Although these routes are not as fast as railways or express bus routes, the distance between each stop is relatively short and the fares are lower, making them very convenient for short-distance passengers. As a result, there is still a relatively high demand for trunk bus routes, with passengers getting on and off at nearly every stop.

Looking at Citybus and KMB’s network, both companies have numerous trunk bus routes. Coincidentally, both of their Route 10 belong to the same category and have similar characteristics. First, they have been in operation for over 50 years. Second, each of them have a record in all routes: Citybus Route 10 has the lowest fare among cross-district routes in Hong Kong (K$4.4, traveling between the Eastern District and the Western District), while KMB Route 10 has the longest scheduled travel time for daytime route in Hong Kong (127 minutes, among routes operating all day). Third, both routes have extensive service coverage.

However, the vehicle allocations for them are quite different. Citybus Route 10 can use 12.8m buses due to better road conditions, so as to meet the huge demand along the route. In contrast, KMB Route 10 is classified as a "minority" route that can only use buses measuring 10.7 meters due to three specific sections.

In this episode, I will bring you to have an in-depth journey along both Route 10, introducing their development, history, routing, and characteristics. Please enjoy!

Slack Lyfe - Ryan McCaffrey_Go By Ocean
Wolf Moon - Unicorn Heads
Under The Sun - Everet Almond
Little Umbrellas - TrackTribe
Love Song - Max McFerren
Two Gong Fire - Ryan McCaffrey_Go By Ocean
Modern Attempt - TrackTribe

00:00 港九流水線10號線介紹
02:19 城巴10號線 - 連接港島東西的便宜流水線
09:36 城巴西區流水線服務演變 - 面對競爭網絡重整
13:54 從西營盤前往彩雲
14:10 九巴10號線 - 全港編定行車時間最長的全日路線
21:28 三個決定九巴10號線派車的彎位 - 短車身巴士路線家族
24:52 總結及後記花絮

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