olivia & fitz | revelations

Описание к видео olivia & fitz | revelations

HD720! if you can.

fandom; olivia pope & fitzgerald grant / scandal
song; revelations by veigar margeirsson
colouring; xfoxyamanda11

2 videos in 2 days .. yup its exam time so of course my inspiration is roaring!

anyway, that last scandal episode.. pwoah! and not just with these two. this show is phenomenal. its one of those shows where i cant choose a favourite character (or actor portraying them for that matter) because everyone is so kick ass.

and yes, i may be one of the few people who watch this show and actually LIKE Mellie (i sorta love her actually). YES she stands in the way of my babies getting together, but so do a million other things and tbh i feel for her - ya know her husband being madly in love with a woman who is not her. and YES Mellie can be a cold hearted bitch - but most of the characters on this show can make cold hearted decisions and be absolute dicks (hey Cyrus!). I just really respect Mellie for standing her ground and she honestly has some the best monologues in the show (along with Cyrus of course!).

ANYWAY - that speech with Mellie + Olivia just had so many parallels with the other two voiceovers I used. though they are highly dramatic (how many times are people gonna say that Fitz cannot breathe without Olivia - i get it ok!). but god that scene was perfection!

ok ok ill stop rambling and go study! hope you folks enjoy and i hope some of my subbies watch this incredible show.

- Cassie x


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