Описание к видео CORNISH Raw Fry TRADITIONAL Cornwall ENGLAND

Cornwall's history is deeply intertwined with mining, particularly tin and copper mining, which was a significant part of the economy until the late 20th century. Dishes like the Cornish Raw Fry, much like the more famous Cornish pasty, were likely developed as filling, nutritious meals that could be prepared easily, providing miners with the energy needed for their physically demanding work. The Cornish Raw Fry fits this profile perfectly with its simple preparation and hearty ingredients.

In traditional Cornish Raw Fry recipes, water isn't typically a primary ingredient listed; the dish mainly focuses on the ingredients being fried together. However, some variations or personal methods might include adding a small amount of water during the cooking process to help steam the vegetables, like potatoes and swede, ensuring they cook thoroughly and evenly without burning. This technique can help soften the vegetables faster, especially if the dish is covered over a lower heat, allowing the ingredients to simmer gently and meld their flavors.

If you're looking to incorporate water into the recipe to adapt it for a slightly different cooking method or to ensure the vegetables don't stick to the pan and become tender more efficiently, you might consider adding a few tablespoons of water after adding the potatoes and swede to the pan. Then, cover and allow to steam, checking and stirring occasionally, and adding a bit more water if necessary until the vegetables are nearly tender, before uncovering to allow any remaining water to evaporate and for the dish to fry up towards the end of cooking.
While it may not be as internationally recognized as the Cornish pasty, the Cornish Raw Fry is a testament to the region's culinary ingenuity, making the most available ingredients to create satisfying and flavourful dishes. It reflects the broader tradition in Cornish and British cuisine of creating "fry-up" meals, where various ingredients are fried together in a pan, often for breakfast.

NOTE: Rutabaga and Swede refer to the same vegetable. The term "rutabaga" is commonly used in the United States and Canada, while "swede" (short for "Swedish turnip") is the term more commonly used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. This vegetable is known for its large, fleshy, edible root, which has a sweet-savory flavor, and it's often used in soups, stews, roasted dishes, or mashed.

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Remember, when following a recipe, you must taste the dish as you go along. All recipes may require some adjustments to suit your personal preferences. These recipes are complete and make for great foundations you can tailor. I hope you enjoy cooking as much as I do.
Taking Cooking food back to basics.


- 800g potatoes, peeled, diced or sliced
- 1 large onion, finely chopped
- 300g bacon, cut into small pieces
- 300g swede/rutabaga (optional), peeled, diced or sliced
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil or butter
- Water if required

Loose bottom cake tin -

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Camera x 2
16mm F1.4 lens -
18-105 F4 lens -
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Camera monitor
Tascam DR-05x
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Lapel collar mic
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