Types Of Shea Butter/Best Shea Butter For Skin Whitening Skin Lightening Skin Brightening Skin Glow

Описание к видео Types Of Shea Butter/Best Shea Butter For Skin Whitening Skin Lightening Skin Brightening Skin Glow

Shea butter is a fat extracted from the nut of the African shea tree. It is ivory in color when raw and commonly dyed yellow with borututu root or palm oil. It is widely used in cosmetics as a moisturizer, salve or lotion. Shea butter is edible and is used in food preparation in some African countries.

Hi📯 my beautiful friends!
Hey! Am TTBS BEAUTY , your one and only real recipe tutor.
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So today, I was able to discuss some important aspect of our African unrefined Shea Butter.
Also, I was able to unwrap about 95kg of original unrefined African Shea Butter.
Shea butter is fat that’s extracted from the nuts of the shea tree. It’s solid at warm temperatures and has an off-white or ivory color. Shea trees are native to West Africa, and most shea butter still comes from that region.

Shea butter has been used as a cosmetic ingredient for centuries. Its high concentration of vitamins and fatty acids — combined with its easy-to-spread consistency — make it a great product for smoothing, soothing, and conditioning your skin.



Shea butter is typically used for it moisturizing effect.These benefits are tied to shea’s fatty acid content, including linoleic, oleic, stearic, and palmitic acids.

When you apply shea topically, these oils are rapidly absorbed into your skin. They act as a “refatting” agent, restoring lipids and rapidly creating moisture.

This restores the barrier between your skin and the outside environment, holding moisture in and reducing your risk of dryness.

3. It won’t make your skin oily

Shea butter contains high levels of linoleic acid and oleic acid. These two acids balance each other out. That means shea butter is easy for your skin to fully absorb and won’t make your skin look oily after application.

4. It’s anti-inflammatory

The plant esters of shea butter have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties.

When applied to the skin, shea triggers cytokines and other inflammatory cells to slow their production.

This may help minimize irritation caused by environmental factors, such as dry weather, as well as inflammatory skin conditions, such as eczema.

5.It’s antioxidant

Shea butter has significant levels of vitamins A and E, which means it promotes strong antioxidant activity.

Antioxidants are important anti-aging agent. They protect your skin cells from free radicals that can lead to premature aging and dull-looking skin.

6. It’s antibacteria

7. It’s antifungal

Shea tree products have been established as powerful ingredients to fights skin infection caused by fungi.

While shea butter may not be able to treat every kind of fungal infection, we know that it kills spores of the fungi that causes ringworm and athlete’s foot.

8. It may help prevent acne

Shea butter is rich in different kinds of fatty acids. This unique composition helps clear your skin of excess oil (sebum).

At the same time, shea butter restores moisture to your skin and locks it in to your epidermis, so your skin doesn’t dry out or feel “stripped” of oil.

The result is a restoration of the natural balance of oils in your skin — which may help stop acne before it starts.

These are the summary of benefits of Shea Butter.

Skin type


Oil balance







Cell regeneration

Scars and stretch marks

Fine lines and wrinkles

Sun protection



Eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis


Insect bites

Wound healing


Sore muscles


So, don't forget to add Shea Butter to your skin care preparation.
Shea Butter is very safe for every ages and skin types.

DISCLAIMER: This video is a public opinion, as we not yet licensed. we are currently working on being licensed.
please don't hesitate to contact a professional if you need one.

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