Programming a new reality | Neil Gershenfeld | TEDxCERN

Описание к видео Programming a new reality | Neil Gershenfeld | TEDxCERN

“Computer science is one of the worst things to happen to computers or to science,” said Neil Gerschenfeld at TED 2006. In this TEDxCERN talk, Gerschenfeld elaborates on how computer science, unlike physics, has arbitrarily segregated the notion that computing happens in an alien world. He talks about breaking down barriers between the digital and physical worlds, and gives us a glimpse of a revolution that could change the way our economy works.

Neil Gershenfeld is the director of MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms, a lab that breaks down boundaries between digital and physical worlds, from creating molecular quantum computers to virtuosic musical instruments. He started Fab Lab, a global network that allows people access to prototype tools for personal fabrication. He also directs Fab Academy, an associated programme for distributed research and education in digital fabrication.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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