Grafting Honey Bee Larvae for Queen Rearing

Описание к видео Grafting Honey Bee Larvae for Queen Rearing

This video is a series of clips intended for participants of my queen rearing workshop on July 22 2017. I am using a chinese-style grafting tool to pick up larvae and placing them in JZ-BZ plastic cell cups. Some attempts go smoothly, others are not as good. We can learn from them all :)
If this is your first time viewing my channel please note my videos are not usually like this. This was purely a demo video that goes along with a workshop on full methods of queen production.

No other groups or intsructors may steal and use these clips for their own purposes of demonstrating or teaching. Please contact me first before using this video in any public speaking, teaching, or seminar style environment.

Thanks to everyone who showed up for the workshop!


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