10 things to learn about solar energy - before you dive in! Solar "Gotchas"

Описание к видео 10 things to learn about solar energy - before you dive in! Solar "Gotchas"

I am sharing some of the knowledge and experience gained during several years working with
solar energy. The information is good for newcomers, but also those who already have experience in solar energy.

These any many other questions are addressed:
Are solar panels worth it?
What about solar panels for home?
Is being off grid a good thing?
Are MPPT charge controllers better?
What about buying used solar panels?

Topics addressed include:
1. Solar Reality
2. Used vs. New Solar Panels
3. Backing failures
4. Connectors
5. Bypass Diodes and Junction Box
6. Handling Solar Panels / Roof or Ground Mount
7. Solar Panel Labeling
8. Series vs. Parallel Connections
9. Cost of Solar Energy
10. The Big one - How much vs. How Long

Hope this video helps someone out there. Thanks for watching! -DDSolar

A great way for beginners to get started in solar is to buy a solar generator. What is a solar generator? A solar generator can produce AC/DC power 24x7 around the clock whether it is being charged by a solar panel or not. Otherwise it's really just a big power bank with AC outputs. Check out this older video if you're interested in a demonstration of a true solar generator:
   • What is a Solar Generator?  

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