TOTK Ending Cutscene: Link’s smile hidden out of bounds! (found by mistress-light)

Описание к видео TOTK Ending Cutscene: Link’s smile hidden out of bounds! (found by mistress-light)


uploaded with permission from mistress-light.

they got a custom freecam mod from a friend and painstakingly beat ganondorf over and over to bring us this since link and zelda warp around. what they found was that link smiles the moment when zelda says, “but when i felt something, like a warm, loving embrace, i woke up.” but this is never seen during normal gameplay because the camera is facing them from the back. it’s very cute.. he’s happy she felt him.

it’s timed perfectly too so you know what she’s talking about. i’ve seen zelink deniers be like “i think she was talking about the anti-draconification magic” as if zelda wasn’t unconscious during fall but started to wake up when link grabbed her and hugged her during the descent or carried her out of the water. this is just further proof it was about link.

some details:
you can see his expression transition go from closed mouth → “when i felt something,” slight tooth smile → “like a warm, loving embrace” open mouth smile.
when he smiles wider his eyes move down slightly (kind of makes him look like hes staring into space) before they glance back up afterwards which makes it look like he’s supposed to be recalling his actions from earlier and connecting the dots to what she’s saying. his smile is so spontaneous and authentic here it’s sweet.

i can’t believe this was hidden


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