Super Junior - 071117 KM 2007 MKMF Artist of the Year

Описание к видео Super Junior - 071117 KM 2007 MKMF Artist of the Year

When Super Junior got the Artist of the Year award but they ddnt really want it 'cuz they wanted the Best Idol Group but they couldn't get it because LSM said that they were not supposed to get that award since they ent a group!!

poor them :'(

About the translation I can't hear Teukie speak much because of the screaming Lol but he said kinda Super Junior has to thank you everyone that made them this day (stylists,manager ,parents)and he talked about ELF "Our beloved fans, you must have many hard times (like in a fight) because of us ,right?But we haven't gone to anywhere else,we'll be with you and we will work hard as Super Junior"
Hankyung traslated what Teukie said into Chinese (guess everyone knew that haha) and he said Thank you everyone, I love you!
And then Heechul Donghae and Shindong came out and said like thank you our parents and ELF something like that~

(The translation might not be 100% accurate or something might not be close since I'm not that good at Korean. If there is/are mistake(s) please tell me:))


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