"His Name" - Darla Fox (Original) - Live at Kulak's Woodshed

Описание к видео "His Name" - Darla Fox (Original) - Live at Kulak's Woodshed

This is an original song I wrote in August of 2019. It is called "His Name", and it tells the story of an unnamed person who has been affected by gun violence.

In this day and age as a United States citizen, there are many times I fear going out to public places due to gun violence. I'm scared to visit theme parks or concerts, or for my niece to start school, or for my brother to fly on an airplane to Las Vegas. It feels like every day we are hearing a new story about it, and it's becoming so common it is introduced in a conversation with phrases like "oh there was another shooting today". ANOTHER ONE? How is it consistently repeating itself! It's easy to turn a blind eye when it isn't affecting you directly, but what about when it finally does?

There's something I need you guys to know about me - I am not what you would consider a very political person. In fact, I don't identify with any specific political party because I feel that parties limit your ability to have different beliefs, and that many people are so focused on defending their party's views that they disregard the actual issues at hand. I cannot begin to know the right answer of how to solve the issue right now, and I am the least qualified person to tell you what to do. But what I can do is write a song about how I feel and say we NEED to do SOMETHING, and SOON.

I love this country, and I feel beyond blessed to live here. If there is any message that you receive from this song, I want you to understand the significance of what is going on in this country right now and that it affecting real people with real lives and real families. People are dying. When will we finally come together and make a change?


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