323系 [Mitsubishi SiC—MOSFET—VVVF] — Inductor Recording ( モハラジオ録音 ) + Waveform

Описание к видео 323系 [Mitsubishi SiC—MOSFET—VVVF] — Inductor Recording ( モハラジオ録音 ) + Waveform

1. 16GB Digital Voice Recorder with mic input [Shopee]
2. MoHa radio soldered with the help of my friend's soldering kit. The design is at https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv11721....

The program used to render the spectrogram is WaveTone, and for the waveform I use corrscope.

One of my favourite VVVFs in Japan! Then again, a lot of VVVF in Japan are my favourites.

Thank you to ‪@TUbe-bv4fy‬ for figuring out the pulses!

The pulse modes are as follows:

Asynchronous 1250Hz (random-spread carrier), Synchronous 27P (3-stage, Overmodulated to apparent 17P, 13P, 9P)

Cruising is done in 15P. When POWER OFF, 15P is heard at the end. When POWER ON, a short 21P is heard before the 15P before 27P. When accelerating from rest, there is a very short beep at 2000Hz, then 1000Hz. I am not sure what this is.

Edit: The 323系 utilises an SiC-MOSFET-VVVF


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