Who's Up All Night - Candy Sherwin

Описание к видео Who's Up All Night - Candy Sherwin

Tutorial and Demo for Who's Up All Night with Candy Sherwin, choreographed by Brandon Zahorsky. 64 counts, 4 walls, Low Intermediate level line dance. Please like, share and comment on this video! And please subscribe to my youtube channel. Thank you so much for watching. I am available for private lessons and events for line dancing and country 2-step. I conduct workshops regularly in the Los Angeles area, where I am the Lead instructor for Borderline. Contact me at [email protected]    • Who's Up All Night - Candy Sherwin  
Step Sheet
Stomp, Stomp, Sailor Step, Stomp, Stomp, Sailor Step
1,2 Stomp R diagonal forward (1), Stomp L diagonal forward (2)
3&4 Step R behind L (3), Step ball of L side L (&), Step R side R (4)
5,6 Stomp L diagonal forward (5), Stomp R diagonal forward (6)
7&8 Step L behind R (7), Step ball of R side R (&), Step L side L (8) (12:00)

Rock, Recover, Coaster Step, Rock, Recover, 1/4 Turn Sailor
1,2 Rock R forward (1), Recover back on L (2)
3&4 Step R back (3), Step L next to R (&), Step R forward (4)
5,6 Rock L forward (5), Recover back on R (6)
7&8 Sweep/Step L behind R (7), Step R 1/4 turn over L shoulder to side (&), Step L forward (8) (9:00)
Restart happens here on the 3rd rotation, you will end up facing 3:00

Hip Bumps, 3/4 Turn
1&2 Step R forward and bump hips forward R,L,R (9:00)
3&4 Step L 1/2 turn over L shoulder bumping hips L,R,L (3:00)
5&6 Step R forward/diagonal and bump hips R, L, R (3:00)
7&8 Step L side making a 1/4 turn over L shoulder, bump hips L, R, L (12:00)
This section is designed for you to have fun and use the 8 counts to bump your hips a 3/4 turn back to the wall you started your rotation on.

Jazzbox, Hip Grinds x 4
1,2 Cross R over L (1), Step L back (2)
3,4 Step R to side (3), Cross L over R (4)
5-8 Step R to side and Roll hips clockwise moving hips from R, L, R, L (12:00)
Counts 5-8 can be done by what feels good to you! The lyrics are
“I like it like it like it!”. Hip rolls, hip bumps or something silly! Have fun with it!

Kick, Point, Kick Point, 1/4 Turn Jazzbox
1&2 Kick R forward (1), Step R next to L (&), Point L to side (2)
3&4 Kick L forward (3), Step L next to R (&), Point R to side (4)
5,6 Cross R over L (5), Step L back (6)
7,8 Step R to side making a 1/4 turn over R shoulder (7), Cross L over R (8) (3:00)

Point, 1/4 Turn, Rock, Recover, Cross, Point, 1/4 Turn, Rock, Recover, Cross
1,2 Point R to side (2), Step on R while making a 1/4 turn over R shoulder (2) (6:00)
3&4 Rock L to side (3), Recover side R (&), Cross L over R (4)
5,6 Point R to side (5), Step on R while making a 1/4 turn over R shoulder (6) (9:00)
7&8 Rock L to side (7), Recover side R (&), Cross L over R (8)

Rock, Recover, Pony Step Back x 3
1,2 Rock R forward (1), Recover back on L (2)
3&4 Step R back while popping L knee up (3), Step L next to R (&), Step R back while Popping L knee up (4)
5&6 Step L back while popping R knee up (5), Step R next to L (&), Step L back while popping R knee up (6)
7&8 Step R back while popping L knee up (7), Step L next to R (&), Step R back while Popping L knee up (8) (9:00)
You can also just triple/shuffle back if your knees bother you

Rock, Recover, Walk, Walk, 1/2 Turn Sailor, Kick Ball Change
1,2 Rock L back (1), Recover forward on R (2)
3,4 Step L forward (3), Step R forward (4) Start to make your 1/2 turn here
5&6 Step/Sweep L behind R (5), Step R 1/2 turn over L shoulder to side (&),Step L to side (6)
7&8 Kick R forward (7), Step R next to L (&), Step L forward (8) (3:00)


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