Canadian Army Newsreel No. 33

Описание к видео Canadian Army Newsreel No. 33

33.1 Crusade for Liberation!
D-Day preparations in England; story of the Normandy invasion; ships are loaded with men and equipment; Tuesday, June 6th – move to the target; the invasion begins at sea; landing craft move to the beaches of Bernières-Sur-Mer; landing by Canadians and the consolidation of their positions; equipment is unloaded; German prisoners start to come in; buildings damaged by German artillery; troops moving up; dinner around a fire; fraternizing with French girls; the medical corps at work; prisoners are sent to England; casualties being loaded on ships for the trip back to England; General Bernard Montgomery with the troops and giving a news conference.

33.2 Canadians Smash Hitler Line
The 8th Army joins the 5th Army at Liri River Valley to attack the Hitler line; moving forward with tanks, equipment and on foot; wreckage caused by German artillery; prisoners from the Nazi Elite Corps, the 1st German Parachute Division and the 19th Panzer Grenadiers; soldiers walk through the ruins of Ceprano; move out on the roads.

33.3 On to Rome
Crowds of Romans cheer the Allies as they march into town; crowds at the Forum and in a square.


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