Our programmes in The Island Private School

Описание к видео Our programmes in The Island Private School

The Island Private School strive to create an international, English speaking, progressive, polysystemic school for children from all over the world.

What does a “polysytemic, progressive school” mean? Several educational systems are simultaneously implemented here.
There are 2 types of classes:
- International Curriculum
- Waldorf Curriculum

Each system has its own methodology, forms of work and materials. The classes have different schedules and principles on which the schedule is built. The general concept of the school is a dialogue of pedagogical cultures, when there is an exchange of ideas and technologies between different approaches that are usually implemented in schools isolated from each other. And here we have all of them under one roof, enriching each other and giving birth to the general philosophy of The Island Private School on synergy.

A polysystemic school allows a student to acquire different learning experiences: from childhood, a child gets used to the fact that learning behavior can be different, there is no single school template. Our school encourage and develop each student's individual abilities, skills and character to shape tomorrow's world through positive relationship, best practices, and a shared sense of purpose.

Skills such as collaboration, creativity, communication, critical thinking, self-learning, entrepreneurship, and curiosity are as important as core subjects for the 21st century.

In our young, polysystemic school, a free creative environment will be created so that a child can acquire knowledge calmly and confidently, reveal their abilities and develop with confidence into an independent, thinking and successful person with their own reasoned opinion.


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