PPG Basecoat Blending Waterborne SOP (PD-0706WB)

Описание к видео PPG Basecoat Blending Waterborne SOP (PD-0706WB)

This standard operating procedure (SOP) covers the process for successfully blending a basecoat using a waterborne finish. Before beginning any repair, it is important to always wear the recommended safety protection required for the job.

Follow along with the outlined process below for the first steps in achieving a flawless finish.


1. Identify Color Formula
Identifying the correct color formula is the essential first step in achieving a good match with waterborne basecoat. Look up the vehicle color using a color retrieval tool and identify the location of the corresponding chip deck in the waterborne color box.

2. Check for Variant Chip
Check for a variant chip that provides an acceptable, blendable match.

3. Prepare a Sprayout Card
If necessary, prepare a sprayout card, using the correct G-shade card recommended by the formula. Sprayout cards, or a letdown panel, are required for tri-coat, quad coat and translucent colors.

4. Apply an Approved Sealer
After checking to determine that all panels have been prepared properly, apply an approved sealer, using the recommended G-shade for the basecoat color. Apply just enough sealer to cover the primer surfacer area.

5. Blend the Sealer Edges
To create a smoother transition, melt in the sealer edges using a blending solvent. Or, after the sealer has dried thoroughly, lightly scuff the sealer edges with P800 grit sandpaper.

6. Appy a "Wet Bed" to the Repair Area
Applying a color blender to the repair area—extending just beyond the color blend—will create a “wet bed”, which can also assist in blending, especially for metallic and pearl finishes. This process is spelled out in the product information bulletin.

7. Mix the Basecoat
Mix the basecoat following the reduction instructions closely.

8. Check the Viscosity
Once the color is mixed, check the viscosity using a DIN 4 cup. Ideal viscosity should fall between 23 and 28 seconds.

9. Thin Viscosity if Needed
If the viscosity is greater than 28 seconds, it’s too thick. Thinner will need to be added. Start by adding 5% more.

10. Apply the Basecoat
After tacking off the area, apply the basecoat. Keeping the gun 6-8 inches away from the surface, apply medium light coats with a 75% overlap. Keep the gun aimed straight at the repair—no wrist flicking.

11. Applying Additional Coats
Use a handheld blower or similar tool to flash each coat to a matte finish before applying the next coat. Step out each coat further than the previous to create an invisible blend.

12. Apply Control Coats
After checking for coverage and the color coats have dehydrated thoroughly, reduce the gun’s air pressure and apply 1 to 2 light “control” coats to achieve proper orientation of the metallics.

13. Apply the Clearcoat
After flashing for 15 minutes and lightly tacking off the repair area, apply the clearcoat according to product instructions.

For more information, visit http://us.ppgrefinish.com/training.


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