Gross! CNN’s Jake Tapper exposes himself on national TV!

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Wow! Talk about exposing yourself on national TV! Jake Tapper exposed himself (not for the first time) as a pit bull for the Democrat Party in his Sept. 13 interview with Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro on “State of the Union.” Navarro wanted to talk about the phony spin in Bob Woodward’s “Rage,” but Tapper wouldn’t let him get a word in edge-wise. It is obvious to anyone with a memory (or access to the tapes) that President Trump was both stressing the seriousness of the China Virus in February and yet promoting a sense of calm to ensure that the American public did not panic. Woodward tried to make Trump look like he was lying to the American people because he told Woodward the virus was a deadly threat. Really?!? Does anyone think Trump took the unprecedented step of shutting down air travel from China because it was NOT serious?!? This is just illogical anti-Trump hogwash. Repeatedly in this interview, Tapper talks over Navarro and refuses to let him make his points for why Woodward’s book is just more left-wing spin. (Compare this to the interview Tapper did with Joe Biden immediately after when Biden was allowed to give leisurely answers and didn’t have to fight to be heard. “This is not fair!” Navarro complained to Tapper, but it was no use. CNN controls the air waves; they do their own fact checks declaring themselves right; and they unzip their bias right in their viewers’ faces. Disgusting.


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