Outline of the Tendai School 天台宗概論講: PART TWO: What Does Lineage Do!?

Описание к видео Outline of the Tendai School 天台宗概論講: PART TWO: What Does Lineage Do!?

In this second video of our "Outline of the Tendai School 天台宗概論講" series, we touch on the significance of lineage, the roles it plays in Buddha-Dharma in the broadest sense, and what it is doing in the Tiantai/Tendai tradition more specifically.
Such questions are vitally important, but their importance is matched by the level of confusion that can be caused, when such questions are viewed without a sufficiently wide lens.
In this video, hopefully we are able clear up some of this confusion, as well as offer you some tips on how to think of lineage more broadly.
Any teacher who is not happy to discuss their lineage commitments with you, has something to hide. Furthermore, if a teacher conversely suggests that he/she possesses multiple lineage transmissions, but can show no connection with any tangible tradition in particular, then they are likely snake-oil salesmen. If they give themselves illustrious titles, claim mystical experiences, and try to waffle through their response to questions of lineage, get a second opinion.

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