Guest work:[ Eudaimonia ]AVA Animation & Visual Arts(Canada)

Описание к видео Guest work:[ Eudaimonia ]AVA Animation & Visual Arts(Canada)

「Eudaimonia」とは幸福を意味する言葉です。この世界で私たちは皆つながっており、あらゆる行動には反応があります。 すべての人間、植物、動物は目的を持ち、私たちは皆、目に見えない形でお互いに依存し、影響を及ぼしています。

In this world we are all linked, every action has a reaction. Every human being, plant, or object serves a purpose, and we all depend and influence each other in invisible ways. “Eudaimonia” is happiness, but not the kind obtained by avoiding suffering and seeking pleasure, but rather the one that comes from consciously trying to be better each day. The sense of joy that comes from living life with a “good spirit”, by working daily on doing our best, no matter the circumstances, leading us to the highest and most lasting form of personal and collective happiness.
With this theme, we tried to imagine how our invisible connections could look like, a complex puzzle of mechanisms and dominoes. We tried to visualize how a good action can spark a mesmerizing chain reaction of positive consequences, how happiness can be contagious and change the colors of the world. We try to materialize gardens of joy and the shapes of the future that humans could build together for a greater good.


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