Blue Love Trailer

Описание к видео Blue Love Trailer

"Blue Love" will be staged a dispute continued, Aihenchanmian corners romance. Advertising company staff plus period (Joe Chen), caught off guard during a meeting with the new car is recommended first boyfriend Meng Peace (William Feng) reunion, dusty heart of a sudden waves. At this time, has been beloved show host Bangladesh Nguyen Jiangxi peace (Luke morning) appears in two people's feelings vortex. Meanwhile, Jiangxi brother Ruanzheng Dong Nguyen (Roy Chiu)) also launched a strong love for wedding day offensive, since opened preferred period, entanglements of love Ruanzheng Dong Meng peace, Nguyen Jiangxi between four ......

佳期如梦 将上演了一场纠葛不断、爱恨缠绵的四角恋情。广告公司职员尤佳期(陈乔恩),在一次新车推荐会上猝不及防地与初恋男友孟和平(冯绍峰)重逢,尘封已久的心骤起波澜。就在此时,一直爱恋着孟和平的节目主持人阮江西(路晨)出现在两个人的感情旋涡中。同时阮江西的哥哥阮正东(邱泽))也对佳期发起猛烈的爱情攻势,自此打开了尤佳期、阮正东、孟和平、阮江西四个人之间的纠葛爱情......


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