Odumegwu Ojukwu Speech in Akokwa, Biafra | November 1969

Описание к видео Odumegwu Ojukwu Speech in Akokwa, Biafra | November 1969

Saturday, November 1st 1969.

Odumegwu Ojukwu, the leader of the secessionist state of Biafra and Commanding General of its army, gives a speech before the Consultative Assembly in Akokwa, which is being broadcast by Biafran radio. Besieged by surrounding armies of Federal Nigeria and with starvation and disease rife among the population, Ojukwu attempts to rouse the rebel nation for what would be a last stand. Two months later, he will flee from Biafra and his deputy, Major General Phillip Effiong, like Ojukwu a former lt. colonel of the Nigerian Army, will conduct the surrender.

Footage creator: ITN News.
Source: Getty Images.
Date: November 6th 1969.


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