Aggressive/Hard shake tutorial | Alight motion - preset

Описание к видео Aggressive/Hard shake tutorial | Alight motion - preset

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preset:- 30 likes done ✅
Thank you so much 🙏🏼

Preset on telegram:-

Hey guys,
I have made a telegram channel!!!! I will share XMLs, Projects, overlays, cc, apps apk and some random editing stuffs there.

Telegram link👇🏻

I hope you guys will support me there too.
Thank you ❤️

Am pro-
© Copyright
I have no rights on the background music!
-All of the images and music are under the use of fair use!

#alightmotion #aelike #aeinspired #transition #trending #viral #advancetransition #preset #xml #aftereffect #hardshake #shake #aggressiveshake #amshake #amtutorial

Thank you ❤️


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