What's Inside an Octopus ? - Octopus Dissection

Описание к видео What's Inside an Octopus ? - Octopus Dissection

Today, let's dissect an octopus.

Octopuses, like squids, belong to the class Cephalopoda, which is a type of mollusk.

octopuses have unique characteristic.

Most molluscs have a hard shell to protect their soft bodies,
But you won't see a shell in an octopus.

The ancestors of octopuses did have shells,
but they underwent degeneration during the process of evolution.

Molluscs with shells tend to have slow movements due to the heavy shell, which serves as protection for their bodies.
However, octopuses have lost their heavy shells through degeneration, and have gained fast movements instead.

Now, let's proceed with dissecting the octopus.

#science #octopus #anatomy


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