2 Or 3 Ways To Colonize Mercury

Описание к видео 2 Or 3 Ways To Colonize Mercury

"Welcome to Kandinsky Station! The hour is 06:00 AM Mercury Standard Time, and the local temperature is a balmy 93°C! We hope you had a pleasant journey to the surface via the Spindle, Mercury's shining tether to space! Could we colonize Mercury?
We also hope that you have acclimated to the local gravity. If you are traveling from a low-g point of origin, we recommend you consult the data provided in your virtual pamphlet. If you feel any symptoms of 'gravity sickness' please seek immediate medical help.
Our final destination is Terminator City, where you will be transported in extreme comfort to Mercury's equator and treated to scenic landscape views amid perpetual twilight!”
Someday, announcements like this could be a real thing. While the thought of living, working, or visiting a planet like Mercury might sound like something out of science fiction (or completely insane), the idea is grounded in science fact. And with the right strategies and technologies for living in a hostile environment, humans could make a life for themselves on Mercury. Here is explained how to Live On mercury.

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"If You happen to see any content that is yours, and we didn't give credit in the right manner please let us know at [email protected] and we will correct it immediately"

"Some of our visual content is under an Attribution-ShareAlike license. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/) in its different versions such as 1.0, 2.0, 3,0, and 4.0 – permitting commercial sharing with attribution given in each picture accordingly in the video."

Credits: Ron Miller, Mark A. Garlick / MarkGarlick.com
Credits: Nasa/Shutterstock/Storyblocks/Elon Musk/SpaceX/ESA/ESO/ Flickr

00:00 Intro
02:45 Colonizing other worlds
08:25 Surface of mercury and its core
10:45 Mercury Magnetic field
12:54 Terminator line

#insanecuriosity #mercury #ColonizingMercury


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