Part 1 Why I Quit Believing in the Rapture

Описание к видео Part 1 Why I Quit Believing in the Rapture

I was raised to believe in a future one world government ruled over by one man from the coming third temple in Jerusalem for seven years known as the great tribulation. I was told this antichrist would require everyone to take a mark on their forehead or their hand in order to buy or sell. Three and one half years after he began to reign, he would offer a pig on the altar of the third temple and the Jews - whose temple it would be - would realize that this man was not the promised Messiah, and that they had missed the time of their visitation when they crucified Jesus on the cross of Calvary 2000 years prior. We were told to watch for the third temple as a sign, as well as the gospel being preached in all the world, and various other things. These seven years were going to be the absolute worst years that anyone had ever seen or could ever see full of famine, times of great physical darkness, an influx of demons from a bottomless pit, endless wars with super futuristic weaponry, earthquakes and burning mountains falling into the sea. Good news for the saints was that it could all be escaped through the rapture. A great snatching away of the saints before God poured out his wrath upon this world. This video is my journey to the truth - Part One. Jesus said that the church was the light of the world - and that no man lights a light and hides it away. Matthew 5:14 - 16. The futurist church has been taught that things will continue to grow darker and darker until Jesus comes and takes us away. What a great trick of the adversary - to convince us that it is God's will for us to slowly lose this battle and retreat. Rise up church - the battle is not lost - nor can it be. Shine! #pastorjackcummings #doorwayofhope #hamlinwv #doyouknowjesus #7yeartribulation #rapture #antichrist #markofthebeast #daniel9 #matthew24 #luke21 #mark13 #1thessalonians4 #revelation6 #2thessalonians2


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