Frollo & Esmeralda; A Love Story....Part Two.

Описание к видео Frollo & Esmeralda; A Love Story....Part Two.

**For Role Reversal contest- Romance category

It's finished! I hope you all like it as much as I enjoyed creating it.
please forgive the sound quality and horrendous length of this videoo.

Things to know:
-Please watch Part 1 if you have not already.
-Frollo is the Archdeacon of Notre Dame, NOT the judge as in the Disney movie.
-Phoebus is the Captain of the King's Archers, and has the same personality that he does in the book. Basically, he is womanizing and cowardly.

Three months have passed since the Festival of Fools. Ever since the tent incident, Frollo has been unable to rid his thoughts of Esmeralda. For months he has watched her from atop Notre Dame, every day watching her dance in the street, His mind confused and his heart aching with longing.

Yet she does not come to see him.

This is because Esmeralda has caught the eye of Pheobus, Captain of the Kings Archers. She is indifferent to his advances, telling him that she only has eyes for Frollo. Phoebus becomes obsessed, maddened and possessive, keeping Esmeralda under close watch and not allowing her anywhere near Frollo or Notre Dame.

But one rainy day, Esmeralda manages to disguise herself and allude Phoebus. She sneaks into Notre Dame, and Frollo cannot believe his eyes. He has missed her, as she has him. But Esmeralda brings bad news; she tells him of Phoebus, and that she and the Captain are engaged. Little does Frollo know that Esmeralda is being blackmailed by Phoebus, threatening to murder Frollo if she does not marry him.

Frollo is enraged with jealousy by this, though he doesnt know why. Furious, he sends her away, unaware that she is sacrificing herself to save him.

The next day, Esmeralda attempts to make amends with Frollo. She has accepted that they cannot be together; he is a priest, bound to celibacy, and she is engaged. They meet with one another and begin a tumultuous friendship; but feel strong feelings of passion for the other, but cannot act upon it. Though there are rumors of scandal circulating about him, Frollo knows that he is still holy as long as the relationship is a platonic one.

One night they are drinking together in Frollos room; their inhibitions are quickly shed, and neither can hold back their feelings any longer. Frollo holds Esmeralda in his arms and they begin kissing.

However, as they kiss, the bishop opens the door and sees them. Frollo is stunned and ashamed, caught red handed. The bishop excommunicates him, and he is banished from Paris indefinitely.

Esmeralda tries to run after him but is caught by Phoebus and the archers, who reveals that he was the one responsible for Frollo being banished. However, Esmeralda will not yield to him, and he takes matters into his own hands.
Phoebus has accused her of witchcraft. Frollo, meanwhile, is living in the slums of a small town far away. He is still shamed and ostracized, cut off from the church and his lord, but even so, his heart still burns for Esmeralda.

On the night of Esmeraldas trial he sees in the fire an image of Esmeralda being burned at the stake. Rebelling against the church and disregarding his banishment, he races to Paris to try and save her. He hopes that it is not too late, realizing at last that he is in love with her as well.

The ceremony is already underway, however. The public is furious. Phoebus begins to feel some guilt and apprehension as her pyre is being prepared around her. He is handed the torch, but hesitates- at the moment he is about to kill her, Frollo arrives and calls out to her. At seeing Frollo, new hatred is born in Phoebus he plunges his torch into the pyre.

Frollo rallies the angry citizens of Paris- they fight off the archers and apprehend Phoebus, and Frollo saves Esmeralda.

In safety, Frollo nervously tends to Esmeralda, unsure if she is yet alive or dead. She wakes up, and sees that Claude has shed tears for her. They look at one another, and share a kiss.

It is now morning; once outside, Frollo asks her to run away with him.. and so, they do....

THE EPILOGUE..(Don't read if you don't want it spoiled)
They live happily together, in a tiny cottage in the lush country side, where no one knows them; there, they are free to live together and be themselves; not Esmeralda the gypsy nor Frollo the priest.

Soon Esmeralda bares Frollo a son; he quickly becomes Frollo's pride and joy. Though he is still a man of faith, he knows now that the most important things to him are Esmeralda and their child, and forever will be. Together they live happily ever after.
Thank you to everyone who watches this.
Thanks for your patience and feedback, all the support is greatly appreciated.
Again, sorry for the static sound with the audio, I don't know why it's there..


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