Topic: Ahle Kitab ko Nabiﷺ ka ilm
Speaker: Aalima Hafiza Hira Ibrahim
Sharia'h Scholar, Lecturer Al Taiba Academy
Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Al- Taiba Netwok Academy! Here, we present to you a brand new clip for the year 2023, delving into the wisdom of Islamic Culture Quran and Hadees.
Allama Muhammad Ibrahim Ashrafi, the director of Al-Taiba Academy, stands as a distinguished Islamic scholar, motivational speaker, and spiritual leader. Through this platform, we bring you insightful lectures on the Quran E Majeed, Hadees (Hadith), and the rich history of Islam.
Our mission is to spread the teachings of the Islamic way of life and Sunnah (Sunnat), providing guidance on how to lead a fulfilling spiritual journey. We delve into the profound spiritual lives of the Prophets, the exemplary character of the Sahabahs, and the remarkable incidents from the lives of Auliya Allah.
Join us as we explore the depths of Seerat (character) of the Prophets and share inspiring Waaqiaat (incidents) from the lives of Auliya Allah. Our ultimate goal is to seek Allah's help and guidance to walk the righteous path of Islam.
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