В поисках заброшенного родопского села

Описание к видео В поисках заброшенного родопского села

This movie is one-person made. It was filmed in Bulgaria in the summer of 2020. The movie was supposed to show our (Nadya and me, Martin) summer adventurous holiday in the beautiful and underrated mountain area of Rodopa in Bulgaria. (You can find Rodopa written differently: Rhodopa; Rhodopi; Rodopa; Rodopi, but all the names refer to the same wonderful place).
This area is famous for many things: the folklore, traditions, landscape, small authentic villages, music, history and much more.
Our trip started in a very recreational way, but later in the film, you will notice that at some point everything goes out of control. This is due to the magic of the Rodopi mountains.
One cannot have plans for the Rodopi, because before you get there, the mountain has already set her plans for you.
The main point of the movie is finding an old village that use to accommodate 45 families a long time ago. Due to the harsh life there, all people left to more hospitable places. Except for one family of three. With the time the village disappeared from the national data information, and also from the map. In theory, this place does not exist. But there are three people living there. There is no road, no electricity, no running water. Just grandma Nadezhda, grandpa Rumen and their son Rosen, all alone in the wild, surrounded by bears and wolves.

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