Why Carnivore Didn't Work: Beef and Liver Long Term Doesn't Work

Описание к видео Why Carnivore Didn't Work: Beef and Liver Long Term Doesn't Work

Hi everyone! I'm excited (and nervous) to share this solo, very honest video about my thoughts on the carnivore diet and why I think some people don't do well long term. I hope this information provides why I'm a fan of eating variety on carnivore, why I don't think eating liver often is ideal and why I think hypervitaminosis A, copper toxicity and even B12 issues are real.

I also share my thoughts on why Dr. Paul Saladino, Carnivore Aurelius and Frank Tufano likely stopped a carnivore, meat-only diet and why Dr. Shawn Baker is likely thriving on one.

I initially didn't want to share this info as it felt a bit like name-calling but I know this info will help some of you as you embark and continue on a meat-only carnivore diet.

NwJ Carnivore Diet Analysis: https://nutritionwithjudy.com/wp-cont...
Dr. Paul Saladino's diet (meat-only days) https://optimisingnutrition.com/optim...
Dr. Shawn Baker's diet https://optimisingnutrition.com/dr-sh...
NwJ Vitamin A toxicity blog post: https://nutritionwithjudy.com/liver-a...
NwJ Don't Eat Just Beef blog post: https://nutritionwithjudy.com/dont-ea...
PUFAs for Chicken and Pork: https://nutritionwithjudy.com/the-tru...

Hair Tissue Mineral Test: https://nutritionwithjudy.com/shoppin...

Frank Tufano:
7 Year Carnivore Blood Work, LIVER DAMAGE!?:    • 7 Year Carnivore Blood Work, LIVER DA...  
Accutane RUINED my LIFE:    • Accutane RUINED my LIFE  
NO MORE CARNIVORE DIET after 7 years! "No Longer Carnivore":    • NO MORE CARNIVORE DIET after 7 years!...  
Is Eating Liver DANGEROUS? Vitamin Synergy:    • Is Eating Liver DANGEROUS? Vitamin Sy...  -

Grant's eBooks: https://ggenereux.blog/my-ebooks/
Grant’s psoriasis blog post: https://ggenereux.blog/2016/04/22/end...
Interview with Dr. Garrett Smith - Part 1:    • Truths about Vitamin A and Toxicity f...  
Interview with Dr. Garrett Smith - Part 2:    • Vitamin A Toxicity. How much to eat a...  
Interview with Grant Genereux:    • Why Eating Liver May Not Be Good: Uns...  

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4) Cutting Against the Grain Podcast: https://cutting-against-the-grain.sim...

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**DISCLAIMER: I am only here to provide support as a nutritional therapy practitioner and I am not providing medical advice. I always recommend working with a team of holistic practitioners, including your PCP and a certified nutritional therapy practitioner. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when you have a medical condition.

#liver #organmeats #vitamina #carnivorediet​​ #carnivorequestions​​​​ #carbaddictiondoc​ #cholesterol #carnivoretribe​​ #zerocarb​​ #ketolifestyle​​ #allmeatdiet​​ #highfatlowcarb​​ #carbfree​​ #ketokids​​ #ketocarnivore​​ #yes2meat​​ #carnivorelife​​ #carbfree​​ #carnivorediet​​ #zerocarb​​ #zerocarbs​​ #carnivores​​ #ketoadapted​​ #fatadapted​​ #zc​​ #nutrientdense​​ #eatmeat​​ #guthealing​​ #guthealth​​ #carnivorehighfat


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