3 Reasons You Attract the OPPOSITE of What You Want (and how to fix it)

Описание к видео 3 Reasons You Attract the OPPOSITE of What You Want (and how to fix it)

"Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron, and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'll be sharing with you three reasons you may be attracting the opposite of what you want to experience, and how to fix that. Now this is something that people have asked me, and it's something I've also experienced before, because there'll be times that I want to create more abundance in my life and I find that being and getting paid for years with a commissioned job, that there'll be times I would've walked around and I would've been so focused on what I want, but it would still cause resistance and I would then get the opposite of what I want. What I wanted.
"What I've learned to do is to really tailor these through a couple key concepts I'm going to share with you today. As I always say, we don't necessarily attract that which we want, but we always get a reflection of who we are being. Part of who we are being is composed of the beliefs we have, the self image that we have. Those characteristics, and when we learn how to almost align those to who we are that's when we start to actually create what we want in our life. Now, who we are by that I mean the fundament core of our authentic self. Like what we're passionate about, and really understanding more about how we can embody that more, express ourselves rather than try to impress people with who we are.
"Now this involves, and the first reason that you might be attracting the opposite of what you want, may have to do with your focus. What are you focused on? Now that example I used earlier of me going around the commission job that I had, and being a certain way, and just focus so much on what I wanted to create so many times I would think that I was focused on what I want to create, but I was actually more focused on where I was. Now this doesn't mean don't be present to the moment, but it simply means be okay with where you are, and allow the moment to be.
"You see, what is more powerful than us getting anywhere else, or obtaining some external goal is if we can learn how to become present to the moment and paradox is that when we're present to the moment then we actually have more power. Now the main part of this is understanding that the most important thing that we have control over is our own state of being. What's more important than the external circumstances is knowing that we can decide how we feel in the moment with our focus, and the perspective that we have.
"When we start to, instead of focus on what we want and how what we want isn't here already, then we can start to focus more on the present moment, on allowing the moment to be. When we do that we find that we're able to let go of the attachment that we have to us not seeing what we want. Many times I would walk around, subconsciously be thinking at my job that I am not getting what I want. Even though I was focused on what I did want to create, maybe with more customers, or having and making more commission on whatever I was selling. What I became aware of is that I was focused on what I had wasn't already there, or what I wanted wasn't already there, and I kept reaffirming and beating that drum of it's not here already. I want it, but it's not here already. Even though I want it.
"That want is a separation of us actually feeling the emotions that we could feel of feeling present to the moment, of feeling happy and enjoying the process. Simply enjoy the process. If you find that you're not attracting the relationship you want it might be because you're so attached to the label of being single and you don't even know it. It may be because you're so focused on that person not being here because you want it, but it's not here already and then you end up creating the lack of it in your life.
"Whatever we focus on grows, and if we choose to focus on the present moment and then we can decide how we prefer to be, and part of that is by simply knowing that more important than the external is our own state of being.
"The second reason that you may be attracting the opposite of what you want to create has to do with your beliefs about who you are, and your beliefs in general. Now I talk about this a lot, but it's really so important, it's so under emphasized when it comes to a lot of this awareness of understanding it, but our beliefs are creating the kind of experiences that we have. Based upon what we define to be true, and how we view ourselves, the beliefs about who we are that is what is coloring ...

This video is about 3 reasons you attract the OPPOSITE of what you want (and how to fix it)


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