Inverse-Foley Animation: Synchronizing rigid-body motions to sound

Описание к видео Inverse-Foley Animation: Synchronizing rigid-body motions to sound

Inverse-Foley Animation: Synchronizing rigid-body motions to sound from the SIGGRAPH 2014 paper by Langlois and James.

In this paper, we introduce Inverse-Foley Animation, a technique for optimizing rigid-body animations so that contact events are synchronized with input sound events. A precomputed database of randomly sampled rigid-body contact events is used to build a contact-event graph, which can be searched to determine a plausible sequence of contact events synchronized with the input sound's events. To more easily find motions with matching contact times, we allow transitions between simulated contact events using a motion blending formulation based on modified contact impulses. We fine tune synchronization by slightly retiming ballistic motions. Given a sound, our system can synthesize synchronized motions using graphs built with hundreds of thousands of precomputed motions, and millions of contact events. Our system is easy to use, and has been used to plan motions for hundreds of sounds, and dozens of rigid-body models.

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   • Inverse-Foley Animation All Clips  

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   • Inverse-Foley Animation Slow Motion C...  


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