富士山本宮浅間大社 静岡県富士宮市 2024/06 Mount Fuji Hongu Sengen Shrine

Описание к видео 富士山本宮浅間大社 静岡県富士宮市 2024/06 Mount Fuji Hongu Sengen Shrine

ご神体は富士山、ご祭神は木花之佐久夜毘売命(このはなのさくやひめのみこと (別称:浅間大神(あさまのおおかみ))

BGM Summer sky
イラスト 四季彩遊歩

This is the head shrine of the 1,300-plus Sengen shrines across the country. It is the Ichinomiya of Suruga Province (formerly a government-sponsored shrine) and the oldest shrine in the Tokai region.
The object of worship is Mount Fuji, and the enshrined deity is Konohanasakuyahime-no-mikoto (also known as Asama-no-Okami).
The main hall, built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, is a nationally designated Important Cultural Property, and Wakutama Pond, which springs from the melting snow of Mount Fuji within the grounds, is a nationally designated Special Natural Monument.
Events held here include the autumn annual festival (November), the Yabusame Festival (May), which began as a donation by Minamoto no Yoritomo, and the Mount Fuji Opening Ceremony (July).


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