Fire Eating Tricktionary - Safety

Описание к видео Fire Eating Tricktionary - Safety

Fire Eating Safety & Tips
Basic Fire Eating
Hello, this is April Choi and Bethany Byrnes, and this is a Fire Eating Safety and Tips Video on Basic Fire Eating.
Before we begin, please be careful with anything involving fire and most importantly, always have a fire safety ready with a safety towel. Also be sure to check that your props are in good condition. Always check that the wicks are solidly attached.
The First Safety Tip when eating fire is to always have your lungs as full as possible before bringing fire close to your mouth. You do this by taking in a deep breath, then take in even more air.
The next Safety Tip is to Lick your lips. This creates a moisture barrier around your lips and keeps them safe.
Next, make sure your torch is cool. Don’t eat fire with a wick that has been burning for longer than 15 seconds straight. It will heat the wick and the metal of the torch. If need be, you can always blow it out and wait for it to cool off.
Also, make sure your torch isn’t overly fueled, otherwise you will get liquid fuel all over the inside of your mouth which can cause a transfer.
When you bring the torch to your mouth, make sure you lean your head way, way back, so that the tip of your nose is the highest point. Since heat rises straight up, this gets your lips out of the line of fire.
Make sure you hold your torch out near the end and tilt the torch slightly so that the flame will not hit your hand when in your mouth.
Although not necessary, most fire eaters will stick their tongue out and place the wick on their tongue to draw it into their mouth. This helps guide the wick in better, but risks burning your tongue if it is dry or if your wick is too hot.
Remember to draw the torch into your mouth fairly quick. If you go too slow, you’ll feel more heat.
Bring your lips around the torch first, not your teeth. This will protect your teeth from heat fractures. Of course, make sure you bring your lips around almost all of the torch, but be careful not to touch the metal.
Following all of these tips will help prevent you from burning yourself and also make your fire eating that much better.
If you have any video requests please leave a comment and let us know.
Thanks for watching and Stay Safe!


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