Soldering Your First Stained Glass Project

Описание к видео Soldering Your First Stained Glass Project

This is the students' first project- the Flower Window. Here is the way I teach them to solder. I cover: setting up on a jig, applying flux, tacking, tinning, and soldering the second side.

For 120 high school students soldering on any given day, we use specially made boards called jigs. This allows students to set up a project, move to a station, and to stow their project in a different place later, without pieces moving. Jigs also help to align edges, so they are not crooked. We use plywood, because we need dozens of them.

As of 2021, we are switching to using homasote surfaces for jigs, and cut aluminum angle stock. These materials can be found online (affiliate links):
Homasote board (check local hardware stores):
Morton Layout System:

We also use fume extractors in class to pull away the particulate-laden smoke generated by the flux. Always have proper ventilation when soldering!

(affiliate links)

Hakko fume extractors:
Hakko Loc Line Hose & Nozzle Kit
Use pre-filter A1572 with HEPA A1573 main filter- it filters everything!

If you are working on your own and can leave your project in the same place day in and day out, a jig may not be necessary.

There are separate tutorials for :
Cutting Stained Glass Pattern Pieces with Pattern Shears:    • Using Pattern Scissors to Cut Stained...  
Glueing Pattern Pieces with Rubber Cement:    • Видео  
Cutting Glass Pattern Pieces:    • Видео  
Using a Grinder to Shape Glass Pattern Pieces:    • Using a Grinder for Glass Pattern Pieces  
Washing off and Numbering Pieces:    • Washing off and Numbering Glass Patte...  
Foiling Glass Pattern Pieces:    • Copper Foiling Glass Pieces for Stain...  

Need stained glass tools and supplies? Here is a shopping guide that contains the items we use the most in our classes.


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