Webinar: Fire Stewardship, Tribal Inclusion, and Mature & Old Growth in the NW Forest Plan Revision

Описание к видео Webinar: Fire Stewardship, Tribal Inclusion, and Mature & Old Growth in the NW Forest Plan Revision

In autumn 2024, the US Forest Service will release the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed changes to the Northwest Forest Plan. For 30 years, the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) has guided forest management across the PNW on federal lands. This will be the first amendment to the NWFP in 30 years, and presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to establish better protections for mature and old growth forests, meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities and a fighting chance at mitigating the climate crisis.

In this webinar in September 2024, speakers Meredith Jacobson (University of Oregon PhD candidate & member of the FireGen Collaborative) and Madeline Cowen (Grassroots Organizer with Cascadia Wildlands) dig into key issues the Forest needs to address in the updated Forest Plan, including tribal inclusion & fire stewardship and the protection of mature & old growth forests.


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