SWTOR 7.3 PvP | 2023 lvl80 - Madness Sorcerer - Novare Coast | The Best, Unkillable TANK spec in PvP

Описание к видео SWTOR 7.3 PvP | 2023 lvl80 - Madness Sorcerer - Novare Coast | The Best, Unkillable TANK spec in PvP

Hey Guys, I am Faltun, Lone Wolf\Solo PvP player. For me the magic happens in SWTOR PvP when i q for warzones alone, i prefer dynamic playstyle, with a lot of moving around the whole map, looking for fun situations and opportunities. My favorite aspect of the game is kiting. I simply love kiting and smart play with both ranged and melee characters.

Playing with a premade usually kills this part of the game, and becomes a rotation simulator, where if you are targeted, you have a personal guard and pocket healer, you just have to care about dps farming(zero skill activity) and nothing else, like parsing dps on a dummy. For me, this removes the fun from the game and I find it boring.

So I try to show you a more technical, smarter approach to solo gameplay, where I need to utilize the full toolkit of my class and make a lot of decisions based on what's going on around me!

This is where the fun begins, If You are interested please subscribe, leave a comment, ask questions and thumbs up!

#swtor #pvp #warzone #sorcerer #madness

Note that, im running in 332 rating and purple augments. While many pvpers that use this broken spec, running with the buggy 339 gear and gold augments. Absolutely unkillable and broken spec for 1,5 years now. One of the biggest joke in SWTOR 12 years lifepan! I already wrote it thousand times but will do it again.

- Best survivability (better passive dmg reduction than heavy armor users, or sin tank xDDD)
- Best mobility
- Best self healing
- Best utility
- 2 combat reset
- Very good DMG
- Very good control

Side note, yeah i know my first fight wasnt so good against the marauder, lot of mistakes and bad decisions, i play one game on madness sorcerer in every 3 motnhs, i m not used to the spec, but since the spec is op as hell even with that bad game i won and still had some cd.


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