Machine Learning Tutorial Python - 13: K Means Clustering Algorithm

Описание к видео Machine Learning Tutorial Python - 13: K Means Clustering Algorithm

K Means clustering algorithm is unsupervised machine learning technique used to cluster data points. In this tutorial we will go over some theory behind how k means works and then solve income group clustering problem using sklearn, kmeans and python. Elbow method is a technique used to determine optimal number of k, we will review that method as well.

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Topics that are covered in this Video:
0:00 introduction
0:08 Theory - Explanation of Supervised vs Unsupervised learning and how kmeans clustering works. kmeans is unsupervised learning
5:00 Elbow method
7:33 Coding (start) (Cluster people income based on age)
9:38 sklearn.cluster KMeans model creation and training
14:56 Use MinMaxScaler from sklearn
24:07 Exercise (Cluster iris flowers using their petal width and length)

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