MAGFest 2022: YouTube Poop - An Involuntary Art Movement

Описание к видео MAGFest 2022: YouTube Poop - An Involuntary Art Movement

It started out as a joke. It was never meant to be taken seriously. Now, YouTube Poop (the art of editing videos into nonsense to make people laugh for reasons that psychology doesn't fully understand) has become a legitimate art movement, mentionable in the same breath as 19th century French Impressionism. How could this happen? The answers lie deeper than you might think. Grab a leg in one hand and a BRERB in the other, it's time to dive in.

MAGFest, short for "Music And Gaming Festival", is a party dedicated to the appreciation of video game music, gaming of all types, and the gaming community. For more information about MAGFest events, visit


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