To the state benefits system in the UK

Описание к видео To the state benefits system in the UK

This piece of writing is from a book of letters written by sufferers about the attitudes they face from others - From ME To You With Love by Louise Harding - on sale at Amazon and written to raise ME awareness and money for research.
A book review can be seen here -    • From ME to you with Love by Louise Ha...  

(For those with noise sensitivities - video is script and music. Can be watched in mute)

A video on the hospital care I was offered (you may find the comments below of extreme value. Feel free to contact me for more details) -    • ME CFS Inpatient hospital care  

My story -    • M.E - my story  
Me and my ME -    • M.E ~ this invisible illness  
My ME journey -    • From moderate ME to severe  
My ME website -

Help raise money for ME research -


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