American Dollar Currency Will Be Backed By Gold and Silver Here Is Why - Doctor Hedge Fund

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American Dollar Currency Will Be Backed By Gold and Silver Here Is Why - Doctor Hedge Fund

Gold prices and the Stock Market downward trend since, December 31 2021 does not make any sense. When there is a huge drop in the Stock Market, the opposite happens with Gold and Silver in the Commodities Market. The only thing that I could come up with regarding this issue, the government will back the US Dollar or the US Digital Dollar by Gold and Silver. They have already have a Bill concerning this issue. That means they will take your Gold and Silver Bullion from you and ofter you market price for that. But at what price will that be when that happens is the major issue. Look back in history because that happened in the past. Also to remind you all, during the Richard Nixon time period they took our currency off Gold and Silver. According to that Bill, it would have only be temporary. Now, I guess the time has come that they will return the dollar to be backed by Gold and Silver. Also, your Gold and Silver coins will never be confiscated because that is a real currency. Where as the Bullion is not a currency.

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