
Описание к видео 「終結遠距離!我從台灣搬到吉貝離島」【


► 這對夫妻有兩個家,一個是馬公的自宅,一個是吉貝的衛生所宿舍。離島醫師是24小時待命,睡在衛生所樓上的宿舍才能方便應急。因此,兩人大多時候待在吉貝,每到海龜休假,他們才會坐船回馬公。



 ► 然而,吉貝的生活卻和馬公有所不同。盈葦在吉貝認識過的朋友,沒多久就調回本島,只剩下先生和小狗飛飛在島上和她作伴。



 ► 海龜的公費醫師義務只剩下一年。他開始思考未來,要續留?還是離開?

 ► 哪位嘉賓蒞臨海島,可以來享用這桌海味料理呢?

 🏠 公視 誰來晚餐:你陪我到離島 我陪你找自己
   Our Lost and Found Island Adventure

| 6/23(五)21:00|公視首播
| 誰來晚餐YT 同步直播
| 你還沒認識的家庭故事,你還沒認識的台灣

#醫師 #離島 #公視 #女性

Jibei is an island north of Penghu, Taiwan. With less than 2,000 people on the island, you can tour it on a scooter in 15 minutes. The residents don't necessarily know each other, but all know Dr. David Lu, the island's only doctor. David's wife, Wiwi, came to Jibei five years ago after sacrificing a promising career to become a full-time housewife. But as the spouse of a doctor who works long hours and is on-call 24/7, Wiwi is having second thoughts and starting to experience island fever! Today, we visit David and Wiwi as they try to strike a balance between passion and practicality. What challenges do David and Wiwi face living on such a remote island? Can Wiwi fulfill her marital obligations and also find self-fulfillment? With just a year left on his contract, will David stay or say goodbye to remote island living? Let's find out!


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