Reacting to 10 Of The Worlds Worst Disability Access Fails EVER (SO Far)

Описание к видео Reacting to 10 Of The Worlds Worst Disability Access Fails EVER (SO Far)

Please send me your disability access fails to feature in an upcoming video. (Email bellow) or Dm me on instagram which is better.
Today we are diving into an accessibility subreddit thread. laughing and mocking these terrible disabled access fails. from wheelchair ramps with steps, to non tactile braille.

Image description of accessibility fails in order of appearance:

1. a concert ram, with a step at the bottom around 7inches, highlighted in yellow, alone the ramp is a metal hand rail. In the background to the right are 4 concrete steps.
2. A large round toilet roll holder, has fallen down over a grab rail in an accessible toilet.
3. in the middle of the photo is a side walk and a road either side. One side of the pavement has been cut to allow access onto the payment, with raised yellow areas in a snake like manner across up higher to the other side of the road which has been cut. Right in the middle of the payment are two metal poles.
4. a young white child sits in his wheelchair in the hashings of an accessible parking spot. On the left side of the photo is the side of their silver car, with a side opening ramp put down to let him in. On the right side of the screen is a black (expensive) looking car, which has parked in the Hashings of the accessible parking sop, blocking access to the ramp.
5. In the middle of the screen is a payment (sidewalk) with a cut rap up onto it with a wheelchair symbol on it. At the top of the steep cut curb is a light post!
6. A large out door map of what looks like a gardens of a pleasure park. It is covered in perspex, making the braille impossible to feel.
7. Lift buttons with numbers, and non tactile brail.
8. what looks like an An ATM pad with a contactless card sign on top , has been over with a plastic box, making the braille impossible to feel.
9. A flight of 7 steep steps, and a ramp to the side which is slatted wood, and very steep.
10. In he back ground is a road with a crash barrier in the middle, then there is a plat form with a 10 inch drop, which leads ot and incredibly steep flight of steps and concrete ramp to the side.
11. A yellow and white sign which reads “Biohazard” and bellow reads “soiled utility” bellow that is non tactile braille.
12. A large concrete ramp with hand rails either side, on the ramp is a large white wheelchair sign. at the bottom of the ram is a huge step, around 10-15 inches, and a grey and white moggie cat.
13. and incredibly steep large flight of wooden steps, to the right is a “ramp” that only Arron Wheels could attempt. On the ramp is a green a white wheelchair sign.
14. a flight of steps with a hand rail, to the left are two plans of mental for a wheelchair.
15. a blue wheelchair ramp with two yellow poles at the top, making it impossible to use.
16. a ramp leading out of a door with three steps at the bottom.
17. A door way to a shop, with a big silver button with a wheelchair symbol right at thop around 2meters high.
18. a blue curb cut, painted blue with a white wheelchair symbol on, leading onto a road with a zebra crossing, in the middle of the zebra crossing is a raised platform.
19. A high steep flight of steps with a blue wheelchair ramp to the side, with a white wheelchair symbol.
20. Green steps with a ramp, and a step at the bottom.
21. a person presses a silver button with a wheelchair on it, to open an automatic door. The automatic door opens to reveal a flight of steps with hand rails either side.

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•this video is just how I do it. there may be other ways which for for you. I cannot accept any responsibility for the actions you take after watching this video. You should always speak to a trained certified, medical professional first before undertaking any new activities.


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