美乐蒂这么画超简单 / 一步一步画美乐蒂 / 如何简单的画美乐蒂 / My Melody so Easy to Draw / Step by Step Drawing my Melody

Описание к видео 美乐蒂这么画超简单 / 一步一步画美乐蒂 / 如何简单的画美乐蒂 / My Melody so Easy to Draw / Step by Step Drawing my Melody


😍我用我的小画笔把抽象的事物具体化:我认为画画就是把想到的东西凭记忆先画出来,再去跟实物作比较,找出画的不好的地方,记住它,凭记忆再反复的画, 这样就能画得越来越好了。
😍I use my small paintbrush to make abstract things concrete: I believe that drawing is to draw what comes to mind first from memory, then to compare it with the real thing, to find out things that are not good, to remember them, and to draw them again and again from memory, and keep practicing, you will be able to draw better and better.


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