DATING DURING DIVORCE: The Do's and Dont's - Morgan Divorce Law Firm

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Can I Date During Divorce? - Should You Start dating Before Divorce is Final? Divorce Lawyer Orlando, 407-374-2983

I am Andrea Morgan, a divorce attorney here in Orlando, Florida. I am frequently asked by my clients whether they are allowed to date while their divorce is pending.
There is nothing in the law that says you cannot date during divorce. But there are some very real reasons why you should not, and at a minimum take heed of some serious pre-cautionary measures if you do.
If you are currently in divorce proceedings and are dating, you fall into one of three categories:
you are dating a person, and that person is the reason you are getting divorced;
you were not actively looking to meet a new someone special, but you did, and now you are dating him or her; or you are currently actively looking for, and found, a person or people to date.

No doubt your spouse is suffering from wounded pride and humiliation already. To go transparent with your new relationship while your divorce is pending will only serve to add insult to injury.Hell hath no fury like a spouse scorned.
The last thing you want is your spouse to set on a course for revenge and retribution during your divorce proceedings. A scorned spouse will take insupportable positions against you out of sheer loathing for you. Which will in turn prolong your divorce case, run up your legal bill to the rafters, and in general make you wish you had never been born.

Take the high road, be respectful, and temporarily bury your new relationship underground until your divorce is over.Besides, watching Netflix on the couch with popcorn is way cheaper than a night out on the town (for more reasons than one).

Hey, I am no stranger to the fact that love happens. Sometimes out of nowhere and sometimes when we least expect. Like after your divorce case is filed but before it is finished.As I have said, there is nothing on the books that says you cannot date during your divorce. However, there is the very real possibility your dating could turn a run-of-the-mill case into a super nasty blood bath.

Will finding out you have a new love interest before you are divorced unnecessarily upset and anger your soon-to-be ex, your children, or both? You betcha. Can you expect to see the ramifications of this in your divorce case? Bingo.

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