S-Matrix Properties & Analysis of H-plane Tee Junction and E-plane Tee Junction -Dr F V Jayasudha

Описание к видео S-Matrix Properties & Analysis of H-plane Tee Junction and E-plane Tee Junction -Dr F V Jayasudha

Welcome to this lecture on S-Matrix Properties and Analysis of H-plane Tee Junction and E-plane Tee Junction. In this lecture, we will discuss the following topics:

• S-matrix parameters
• H-plane Tee Junction
• E-plane Tee Junction
• Analysis of H-plane and E-plane Tee Junctions
S-matrix parameters

• S-matrix parameters, also known as scattering parameters, are used to characterize the behavior of microwave components. They describe how a component scatters (or reflects and transmits) electromagnetic waves. S-matrix parameters are typically represented as a matrix of complex numbers.
H-plane Tee Junction

• An H-plane Tee junction is a waveguide junction that is formed by connecting a third waveguide to the broad side of a rectangular waveguide. The third waveguide is called the side arm or H-arm. The other two waveguides are called the main arms or collinear arms.
E-plane Tee Junction

• An E-plane Tee junction is a waveguide junction that is formed by connecting a third waveguide to the narrow side of a rectangular waveguide. The third waveguide is called the side arm or E-arm. The other two waveguides are called the main arms or collinear arms.

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