Exploring Matthew Chapter 28: The Resurrection and the Great Commission

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Welcome to an enlightening and transformative study of Matthew Chapter 28, the final chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. In this chapter, we witness the triumphant resurrection of Jesus Christ, a cornerstone event of the Christian faith, and the commissioning of His disciples to spread the Good News to all nations. Join us as we delve into the profound events, theological significance, and timeless truths found in this chapter, which marks the culmination of Jesus' earthly ministry and the beginning of the church's mission.

Matthew Chapter 28 opens with the dawn of the first day of the week, following the Sabbath. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary visit the tomb where Jesus had been laid, only to find it empty. The scene is dramatic and awe-inspiring: a great earthquake occurs, and an angel of the Lord descends from heaven, rolls back the stone, and sits on it. His appearance is like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow. The guards, assigned to watch over the tomb, tremble in fear and become like dead men.

The angel addresses the women, telling them not to be afraid and revealing the joyous news that Jesus has risen from the dead, just as He said He would. The angel invites them to see the place where Jesus lay and then instructs them to go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead and will go ahead of them into Galilee. Overwhelmed with both fear and joy, the women obey and run to deliver the message to the disciples.

On their way, Jesus Himself appears to them, greeting them with a simple yet profound "Rejoice!" The women fall at His feet, worshiping Him. Jesus reassures them, instructing them once more to inform His disciples to go to Galilee, where they will see Him.

Meanwhile, the guards report the events to the chief priests. The religious leaders, desperate to suppress the truth of the resurrection, bribe the soldiers to spread the false story that Jesus' disciples came during the night and stole His body while they slept. This fabricated story circulates among the Jews to this day, according to the Gospel writer.

The narrative then shifts to Galilee, where the eleven disciples go to the mountain Jesus had designated. Upon seeing Jesus, they worship Him, though some doubt remains in their hearts. In this moment, Jesus gives the Great Commission, one of the most significant and enduring instructions in Christian Scripture. He declares that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him and commands His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything He has commanded. Jesus assures them of His constant presence, promising, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Matthew Chapter 28 encapsulates the victory of Jesus over death and the grave, affirming the hope and promise of eternal life for all who believe in Him. The resurrection is the definitive proof of Jesus' divinity and the fulfillment of His prophecy, solidifying the foundation of Christian faith. The angel's proclamation and Jesus' appearance to the women underscore the reliability of the resurrection account and the pivotal role of women in the Gospel narrative.

The Great Commission emphasizes the global and inclusive nature of the Gospel message. Jesus' command to make disciples of all nations highlights the universality of His mission and the inclusivity of His kingdom. This mandate remains central to the mission of the church today, calling believers to spread the Good News and to live out the teachings of Jesus in their daily lives.

Join us as we explore the profound events of Matthew Chapter 28, reflecting on the significance of the resurrection and the call to discipleship. Let us be inspired by the hope and power of the risen Christ and commit to fulfilling the Great Commission, knowing that Jesus is with us always.


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Dr. Abid Rogers Bhatti


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