[Waking Tour] [4K] Gunsan Japanese Houses in Sinheung-dong 군산 신흥동 일본식 가옥 워킹 투어

Описание к видео [Waking Tour] [4K] Gunsan Japanese Houses in Sinheung-dong 군산 신흥동 일본식 가옥 워킹 투어

#walkingtour #Korea #Gunsan #rainy #JapaneseHouses
#군산여행 #일본식가옥 #워킹투어 #월명동 #타짜 #장군의아들
일제강점기에 대규모 포목상이었던 일본인 히로쓰가 건축한 전형적인 일식가옥으로, 지붕, 외벽 마감,
내부 정원 등이 건축 당시 모습을 그대로 유지하고 있어 건축사적 가치가 크며, 영화 '장군의 아들', '타짜'
등의 촬영지이기도 합니다.

This is a traditional house of Japanese style, which was constructed by Hiroth, a Japanese fabric dealer of
large scale during Japanese colonial era. It has a great architectural value as the roof, finishing touch of
outer wall, and inner garden are kept as they were when it was first constructed. It is also a place of
filming the movies, such as 'The son of the general' and 'Ttajja.'


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