New England: Now and Then. MP458.

Описание к видео New England: Now and Then. MP458.

New England: Now and Then. (June 10-12, 1967) MP 458. Public domain.

This film is from the LBJ Library moving picture collection created by the White House Naval Photographic Unit, aka the Navy Films. The films consist of monthly reports on the activities of President and Mrs. Johnson from 1963-1969.

Below is an edited scene list for this film, from the LBJ Library audiovisual archives. We included useful shot descriptions where possible, although most have been cut for length. For more information please contact [email protected].

Lady Bird Johnson, group driving in vintage automobile

Vintage auto driving down street
Point of view from sitting in vintage auto driving
Lady Bird Johnson riding in vintage auto

Lady Bird Johnson, group in vintage automobile

Lady Bird Johnson at airport with Sec. Stewart Udall, group boarding plane, 6/9/1967

Lady Bird Johnson visits Massachusetts, 6/9/1967
Lady Bird Johnson visits Adams National Historic Site

Lady Bird Johnson greeting Charles Francis Adams
Medium shot Sec. Udall, Adams, and Lady Bird Johnson standing

Lady Bird Johnson visits Vermont, 6/9/1967
Lady Bird Johnson greeted at airport, Burlington, Vermont
Close-up Burlington Airport tower
Lady Bird Johnson, Sec. Udall debarking plane greeted by Gov. Hoff (Vermont)
Lady Bird Johnson being greeted by Gov. & Mrs. Hoff

Lady Bird Johnson motorcade driving through Vermont countryside

Lady Bird Johnson visits Mount Mansfield ski resort, rides ski lift, eats "sugar and snow"
Up angle building, sign: "Mt. Mansfield Chair Lifts"
Lady Bird Johnson, Jerry Kivett (USSS) in ski lift
Point of view from ski lift, sign: "National Ski Trail"
Close-up sign: "See Vermont Maple Syrup Made"
Close-up syrup poured on ice
Medium shot Gov. ?, Lady Bird Johnson, Sec. Udall

Lady Bird Johnson visits New Hampshire, 6/10/1967
Lady Bird Johnson greeted at airfield, Pease AFB, New Hampshire
Lady Bird Johnson visits restored historic town Strawberry Banke, New Hampshire
Women in colonial dresses in restored site

Lady Bird Johnson speaks at Strawberry Banke General Store
Dunaway General Store exterior, US flag waving
Up-angle store sign, tilt down to Lady Bird Johnson, Sec. Udall entering

Lady Bird Johnson visits Maine, 6/10/1967
Lady Bird Johnson visits Two Light State Park, Maine, eats at clam bake
Medium shot Lady Bird Johnson, Gov. & Mrs. Curtis walking
Close-up plaque: "Commemorative Planting by Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson June 10, 1967"
Medium shot Sec. Udall, Gov. Curtis
Clam bake oven

Lady Bird Johnson returns to Vermont, 6/11/1967
George Perkins Marsh Conservation Lake dedicated by Lady Bird Johnson 6/10/1967
Medium shot Lady Bird Johnson, Sec. Udall by map
Close-up sign: "George Perkins Marsh Conservation Lake..."

Lady Bird Johnson visits Woodstock, Vermont, speaks at Town Hall, 6/10/1967
Lady Bird Johnson, entourage walking through bridge; sign on bridge: "Taftsville"

Lady Bird Johnson visits Calvin Coolidge home, 6/11/1967
Sign: "President's Homestead.."
Lady Bird Johnson being greeted by John Coolidge
Close-up sign: "President Coolidge Homestead Entrance"
Lady Bird Johnson, Sec. Udall, others laying plaque
Close-up Historic Landmark plaque

Lady Bird Johnson, group takes a ride in vintage automobile, 6/11/1967
Medium shot Lady Bird Johnson, others boarding vintage steam auto
Close-up Lady Bird Johnson wearing hat

Lady Bird Johnson speaks at Mary and Laurance Rockefeller home, 6/11/1967
Medium shot Lady Bird Johnson, Sec. Udall, M& Mrs. Rockefeller on porch by plaque

Lady Bird Johnson, Gov. Philip Hoff, Laurance Rockefeller at Robert Frost Wayside Area, 6/12/1967
Close-up sign: "Robert Frost Wayside Area"

Lady Bird Johnson at Middlebury College, Vermont, Commencement, receiving honorary degree, 6/12/1967
Group in caps and gowns walking
Medium shot graduates walking
Lady Bird Johnson in black and white gown, cap, pan left
Up-angle building, name: "Memorial Field House"
Pan left to Lady Bird Johnson receiving ?, shakes hands with ?
Medium shot Lady Bird Johnson shaking hands, pan right to university seal: "Call Med Virid Mon..."

Montage of footage from trip, streams, ski lift, etc.
Fade to Lady Bird Johnson at airport waving to crowd
Burlington Airport Tower
wide shot waterfall, trees
wide shot Rockefeller home
wide shot ski lift
General Store, crowd gathered
wide shot coastline
Lady Bird Johnson at table with Adams family


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